Helpful Keyboard Shortcuts

Command Mac Key Combination Windows Key Combination
Cut cmd + x ctrl + x
Copy cmd + c ctrl + c
Paste cmd + v ctrl + v
Undo cmd + z ctrl + z
Redo cmd + y ctrl + y
Save cmd + s ctrl + s
Select all cmd + a ctrl + a
Find cmd + f ctrl + f
Switch between open apps/programs cmd + tab alt + tab
Switch between programs on the taskbar N/A windows key + tab
Switch between Chrome windows shift + cmd + ~ N/A
Open Google Chrome developer tools console cmd + option + i F12

VS Code Keyboard Shortcuts

Too many keyboard shortcuts?

You can type what you're looking for in the Command Palette. Open the Command Palette by selecting View Command Palette... and type the action you want to do.

To open the Command Palette quickly, use the keyboard shortcut ctrl + shift + p.

Helpful Keyboard Shortcuts

Command Mac Key Combination Windows Key Combination
Open Command Palette ctrl + shift + p ctrl + shift + p
Select all cmd + a ctrl + a
Cut cmd + x ctrl + x
Copy cmd + c ctrl + c
Paste cmd + v ctrl + v
Undo cmd + z ctrl + z
Save cmd + s ctrl + s
Toggle comment cmd + f ctrl + f
Go to file cmd + p ctrl + p
Open terminal pane ctrl + ` ctrl + `
Create new terminal ctrl + shift + ` ctrl + shift + `
Auto-format file shift + option + f shift + alt + f
Auto-format selection cmd+ k cmd + f ctrl+ k ctrl + f
Indent cmd + ] ctrl + ]
Outdent line cmd + [ ctrl + [

Need more info? Refer to VS Code's Documentation.

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